

Feeling creatively stunted or just a bit bored with baking? A batch of cookies may just be what pulls you out of that funk. Think about it: Cookies aren't just a delectable dessert — they're an edible canvas for various flavors, fillings, and toppings. Try out one of these creative cookie recipes or use them as inspiration to create your own. They're just different enough to stand out, but still yield great results and ratings.


Cheesecake is indulgent and delicious, but sometimes it's just too thick — the heavy, dense filling can overpower the luscious, tangy taste we love. Thankfully for those who crave cheesecake's taste but aren't crazy about its dense texture, there are plenty of light and airy alternatives. No-bake cheesecakes, Japanese cheesecakes, and cheesecakes made with lighter ingredients deliver that same taste we love in a softer, airier format. These fluffy cheesecake recipes all boast a fluffy texture that won't leave you overly full or bogged down with an abundance of heavy ingredients.


These rainbow cupcakes from scratch make for a psychedelic and delicious treat! Kids will love the way they look and adults will love the moist texture and delicious flavor. Perfect for birthday parties and bake sales. Eat these plain or decorate with a vanilla buttercream frosting and you won't go wrong!